Hi, I’m Dr Mitzi Liddle

My Story

A few years ago, whilst recovering from successful cancer treatment, a mentor told me that I would not know myself if I worked in a way that honoured my nervous system and energy levels. This sounded slightly mystical at the time. I had grown a thriving and successful private practice through hard work on the back of ‘being there’ for my clients. If you had asked, I wouldn’t have said I was stressed. I’d grown so accustomed to prioritising my clients’ needs, I’d forgotten to notice, let alone tend to, my own.

Problem is, there aren’t many templates for how to be a caring health professional that don’t include running the burnout gauntlet. I knew that ‘self-care’ was the answer. But, as shared by most female health professionals, I was blocked from truly effective self-care by not really knowing what I needed and patterns of self-sacrifice and unrelenting standards. These schemas make us good at our job and not-so-good at caring for ourselves!

I have fallen in love again with my clinical psychology practice. I’m now fiercely compassionate to myself in every consult. I’ve learned to work in a way that meets my needs. My story is ongoing, but having released schema blocks, I have new narratives for how I work. I now work to feel energised and joyful, trusting that I am resourced enough help others at their most vulnerable and challenging times.

I believe that this should be best practice for all clinicians.

Dr Mitzi Liddle

My credentials

I am a doctorate level endorsed clinical psychologist, with over 22 years of experience. During this time, I have supervised and coached GPs, psychologists, social workers, nurses, and counsellors. I am an experienced AHPRA board approved supervisor.

I am an ISST accredited schema therapist and trained in Mindful Self-Compassion and Polyvagal theory – evidenced based frameworks that I love because they provide accessible and effective healing pathways to jaded and depleted health professionals.

The interplay between effective techniques and human relational context is where the alchemy of transformation happens!

I look forward to sharing this with you!

Dr Mitzi Liddle

Who I work with

I coach health professionals who feel overwhelmed, overly responsible and overworked. Practitioners who are naturally empathic and risk giving all their energy to their patients. Women who haven’t had good self-care models in health care systems that run on empty.

I guide you in being compassionate for yourself and your clients at the same time, confident in when to set limits and trusting your ability to call it.

When you long to enjoy what you are good at, feel energised, and have something left in the tank at the end of the day, I’ll provide transformative pathways for you.

Together, we will:

  • Liberate you from the pressure of your inner critic and replace it with self-compassion

  • Free your headspace to be more present and connected with the people and things you love

  • Have clarity around your responsibility, unspoken expectations and your unique abilities

  • Start making choices that work for you in your work by honouring your nervous system

  • Overcome patterns of giving up on yourself and your needs

Why work with me

When you feel stuck, or have plateaued in your career and personal growth, I offer a pathway forward. I help health professionals who are interested in mental health (and don’t want to burn out) to have more joy, meaning and sustainability in your job.

To health practitioners who disconnect from themselves at work because you don’t really know how else to get through, I want you to know there is another way. I help you change how you relate to yourself in your caring roles so you can move through challenges with more ease and energy.

In a society that prioritises productivity and achievement, having an experienced, wise, and soul-centred coach can make all the difference.

We all need someone in our corner.

Dr Mitzi Liddle | Naturopathics
Dr Mitzi Liddle | Naturopathics